Created by a vaporwave fan and producer. Explore the vapor community with a radio app that streams hand chosen music straight to your device. Adjust the playback according to your favorite sub-genres or your mood. Select from genres such as classic, hypnagogic, vaportrap, future funk, cyberpunk, parody, utopian, newage, mallsoft, eccojams, vhs funk, phaserwave, muzak, synthwave, post-vapor, broken transmission, plunderphonics, and noise. Known Problems:
- Requires a solid internet connection, kind of obvious but annoying if your internet connection is no good- Cannot be paused with headphones, planning to fix this- Cannot stream continuously if the app is closed, not sure if I can fix this- Not all sub-genres have enough music yet, but they will in updates coming soon
Thanks for your contribution:
- ESPRIT 空想- death's dynamic shroud.wmv- VHS Dreams- LifeMod- PowerPC ME- Donovan Hikaru- Panzer Paradise- Android Automatic- ArtFluids- 猫 シ Corp.- Dahrk Wheb- body end tag- bl00dwave- s a k i 夢- Yohan- Hantasi- T H R E E- Kamikaze Rattlesnake- 80s Stallone- Rosco- 회사AUTO- Zima Clearmalt- Men's Dining Corp- ☒- Downvote Music- tech noir- Costanza- m a l i b l u e : (- 悲しい ANDROID - APARTMENT¶ - geoFlesh- Casios Clay- Hi-AF-YO- VITAMIN.D- Mélonade- LeonLS
Seriously thanks so much to all these artists. Their music really is making this app great. If you are not on this list but you are supposed to be I just haven't gotten to your music yet! Look for it in the next update ;D
The plan is to add at least four or five times as much music so if you would like to be a featured artist send me an email
[email protected].